Bhaiya Dooj - A Festival or Fast for Brother

The festival is observed on the second day of Kartik (October-November) and is dedicated to the welfare of brothers. Brothers visit their sisters on this day and sisters appease them by offering them sweets, praying for their long and happy family life. It is said that the Yamuna often asked her brother Yama (god of death) to visit her house and dine, but he evaded. At last, moved by repeated invitations, he went on this day to his sister's house and was sumptuously treated.

He was pleased and asked her for a blessing. She said, that he should come to her house on this day every year and should grant happiness to all those brothers who visit their sister's on this day. He granted this request and that is why all brothers are well treated, and they live happily throughout the year.

There is another story regarding this festival. Once there was an old lady who had seven daughters-in-law. All the daughters-in-law had brothers except the younger one. She was crying, as she had no brother to visit her on Bhaiya Dooj day. She was surprised to see a man visiting her as her brother. She offered her brother food and sweets and in return, he gave her a present of pebbles and leaves. She did not want to show the present to her other six sinter-in-laws, but after a great compulsion, she took them to a room where she has kept the pebbles. She never knew that the pebbles and leaves had turned into precious stones and costly clothes. Everybody thought that the brother was a god in form of an ordinary person

In this festival, a sister takes her seat in front of her brother, and after lighting the lamp she marks the forehead of her brother with white sandal paste three times. She does it with the little finger of her left hand; sometimes some other female member of the family may blow the conch-shell. She also prays to god for the long, healthy, happy, and prosperous life of her brother. In return brother also prays to God for her long and happy life and gives her some gift in cash or kind. In the end, the sister offers a feast in honor of her brother. The theme of the festival is love, affection, and respect for each other.


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