Chitra Purnima

Chitra Purnima falls on the full moon day of Chaitra (March-April) during the ascendancy of the Chitra star. The star is particularly sacred to Chitragupta, a record keeper in the abodes of the dead, who records the virtues and vices of humans. He is the recorder of Yama (god of death). A Havan (fire worship) is performed, and prayers are offered to Chitragupt on Chitra Purnima day. Some sweets are prepared and distributed as Prasad or holy sacrament. The worship of Chitragupt reminds us to keep on doing good things in life because on the judgment day Chitragupt will read out the balance-sheet of each person's deeds, which are recorded in his great register (Agra Sanghani). The good and evil deeds are reckoned and judgment passed by Yama. 

The good people are then sent to one of the higher abode or worlds, and the sinful are sent to hell. The festival Chitra Purnima, on the full-moon day of the month of Chaitra is dedicated to Chitragupta. The following is a story connected with this festival, Brihaspati (a Rishi and also regent of the planet Jupiter) is the Guru or teacher of Indra, and is the suppliant, the priest, who intercedes with gods on behalf of men and protects mankind against the wicked. During the absence of the Guru, Indra did many bad things. When the Guru came back Indra repented and asked him what he should do to get rid of the sins he had committed during his absence.

Brihaspati sent him on a pilgrimage to South India. At Madurai, he discovered a Shiv Ling and built a temple at that place, and started worshipping the Linga. Soon god blessed him and his sins were removed as well. The day on which he worshipped the Lingam was Chitra Purnima day. It is believed that if you worship God with devotion on Chitra Purnima day and obey your Guru sincerely, your sins will be washed away. On this day people worship god with Kalsa (vessel filled with water) to get rid of their sins. People feed the poor and needy and give money in charity on Chitra Purnima day.


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