Gangaur Festival and Katha

Gangaur fast is observed by women in honor of goddess Gauri, from the first day of Chaitra (14 March) for sixteen days. Married women observe fast for their happy married life and unmarried girls keep fast finding a faithful and perfect husband. Sixteen earthen idols of the goddess are prepared and worshipped with rice, flowers, and grass. During fast women worship and sing songs in honor of the goddess. On the sixteenth day, the idols are immersed in some river.

Once a farmer planted grass for the king's horses, but he found some girls were plucking grass to offer at the worship. He was not happy but the girls assured him that no harm will come to his grass field, and the goddess will also reward him. On the last fast day, the girls brought a lot of food for the farmer and his family to compensate him for the loss of grass. 

The farmer's wife stored the surplus food and prayed to the goddess for her family's prosperity. After some time she was surprised to find her storeroom full of gold, diamonds, pearls, and ornaments. The farmer was surprised to see his field full of green grass for the king's horses. From that time onwards the farmer's wife kept the fast and the farmer joined his wife in offering prayers to the goddess.


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